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​Artist's Statement

Artist's Statement

“Things are not always as they first appear.”   This sentiment rings true to all with even a rudimentary understanding of the complexities of life and human behavior.  The reality of a given situation often rests solely on the subjective perceptions, perspectives or experiences of the individuals involved. Viewers will find that this basic concept is expressed throughout my work.   Presuppositions and judgments are frequently made before “the entire picture” is revealed.  As an artist, my aspirations involve creating work which touches the viewer in some way so as to advance the evolution of our common humanity.​

This appeal is made across a broad range of styles, attempting to intensify the viewer’s reflection on the need for self-compassion, thereby enabling the extension of empathy and understanding to others.   Adequately examining a painting may require the viewer to pause and mindfully participate in the offering, discovering certain elements or images of the work which may have initially gone unseen. This engagement serves to create a shared intimacy between artist and viewer. 

Lorraine W. Harris​

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